Monday, August 13, 2012


Abrege was published in the December 2011 issue of Perlen Poesie and is the cover photo.

An Kara Sesentayseis posted this lovely version that she beaded on my Facebook wall.

Everything about it is beautiful.  It is clear that An Kara has beautiful workmanship and her color choices here are exquiste.  Thank you An Kara for posting it.  

Mark, as you may know is taking care of kitting for MadDesigns while I remain busy with book writing.  Just last week he kitted the last of the Gold Silver and Capri Blue Abreges.  If you'd like one, now would be the time to order it.

 The Capri blue rivoli is vintage and the last 7 have now been kitted.  That color way will be retired when these 7 are gone.  I have one new color way waiting in the wings for some time to get it's supply list sorted out and parts ordered.  Lilliana's will like be on the website soon, and perhaps a few more new pieces.   


  1. Muchas gracias por todo eres un cielo¡¡
    Thank you Marcie¡¡¡

  2. The Ankara color selection was amazing!! and your design gorgeous!!

  3. Gorgeous beadwork like always Marcia It always a pleasure to see your work and I can't wait to get my book soon

  4. Fantástica creación.... maravilloso tanto el diseño como los colores.
