Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beading Cozy

My studio is very functional, table and chairs, beads, desk, storage, a bit of art, but somehow it was missing the cozy and the comfortable.

It's a great place to kit, host a class, illustrate etc, but I found that when I beaded I would take my beads and hit my comfy chair in the family room, or in nice weather the veranda.  But this resulted in many a trip back to the studio to retrieve whatever tool, bead, book that I was missing.

I decided I needed to create some cozy comfort in the studio.  It's furnished in my modern contemporary IKEA style, but I pictured a big overstuffed chair with side tables for the cup of tea, the iPad and beads of course.

A trip to the local consignment provided the chair I blogged a couple of weeks back (yes it reclines and is super comfortable), but I needed tables.  I don't like to make a career of the search, but a trip to IKEA just didn't present the perfect option (although it was a hot date, we wandered the aisles and had dinner followed by a frozen yogurt, yes we live an exciting life), so next I visited cost plus world market, where I found a great table with a shelf and casters....sort of rustic industrial, but I deemed it not the right look.  I will sometimes get enamored with a 'look' and forget the environment it needs to fit into. While electic can be done well, it's not really my strong suit to pull off.

So onto Pier One where I found glass mosaic nesting tables!  Perfect coloration, size and the right amount of real estate for holding all my tools and beads nearby.  And now I can bead for hours, listening to a book, or watching TED talks or listening to Pandora, and all my needs are just steps away.  Now I just need some hours!

Next up is a floor lamp to provide evening light without the glare of the fluorescent overheads, and I think my cozy space will be complete.  Perhaps a trip to Lamps Plus?

Have you perfected a comfortable place to bead?  Please share.


  1. I LOVE my Ottlite floor lamp! I can use it overhead and adjust it to over my head, in front or behind...When I need more light for close-up work, I pull it down right to my lap. It also has a nifty page clip on an arm to hold a pattern or notes and a magnifying glass on an arm for the ultra close work. You can get it for more than 1/2 off retail at amazon.com! I do LOVE it!

  2. Nesting tables ... what a great idea, you clever girl you. Love the mosaic! So very shimmery and rich looking.
    I WANT THEM!!!

  3. I also bead in my recliner as my back suffers at the dining table!

  4. I also bead in my recliner as my back suffers at the dining table!

  5. How lush and luxurious Marcia. Love you sense of style.


  6. and thank you Barb, at the local Lamps Plus I found a bronze colored ott light, multiple adjustments, perfect!

  7. I have what's called a cuddle chair - it's about a metre in diameter and completely circular, sat right next to a floor lamp. I can sit cross-legged (my fav beading position) and there's plenty of space around me on the chair for the two trays that contain all my beading needs.

  8. I bead on the couch with the hubby at night and have most of my stuff withing arms reach (tools, fireline, ect) but WOW I love your comfy chair and those gorgeous tables!
