Wednesday, August 8, 2012

More MadDesigns

I've created a Facebook page for Marcia DeCoster.  It helps to segregate me and MadDesigns a bit.  Family and friends who don't want to see all beads all the time will still go to my people page.

If you're interested you can go to the page and give it a like.  Hovering over the like button and making sure 'show in newsfeed' is checked will insure you'll get to see new posts.

I'll be showing you pretty pictures and updating you on what's new, where I'll be and in general what's going on at MadDesigns. Right now it looks like this.  There are photo albums of work, and a pretty place to peruse kit offerings.  There's links should you wish to purchase a kit.  It's all still in development but I'll be working to make it complete as the days move forward.

I won't abandon you here though.  I hear often how many people come to read on a daily basis, seeing the latest granddaughter knits or photos of Miss Maya along with the beads of course.  Just one more place to visit with you!

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