Thursday, September 20, 2012

SES Update

I've been spared from Single Earring Syndrome, I finished a second.  Even though I feel that I could tweak the design a bit, I made the second one to match and it may be my new favorite pair!  But new ones are always like that.

There was a day I never made earrings and now it is one of my favorite things to make, and wear of course!  I never leave home without my earrings in, yes even to the gym, but I have a few more subdued pairs for the gym, these might be out of place.  

I'll have to show you a new close up of them when I have more time....they are really sparkly with those little 2 mm Swarovski Elements crystals at ever intersection, front and back.  They need an evening out on the town, and fortunately we have one planned, well dinner out at least.  Mark is going to come join me for one night and we're going out to one of our favorite restaurants, and I have the perfect pair of earrings to wear!

In the background a sort of clean studio and my luggage ready for the trip, and I'm off!


  1. Le quedan muy bien, lucen de maravilla.....aunque la modelo es muchisimo màs guapa....felicidades, saludos....
