Saturday, September 1, 2012

The great outdoor camping adventure

Those who know me really well probably just spit out their coffee, or at least are thinking they've stumbled onto the wrong blog......I don't actually camp, but hey this was close.

The evening was very hot, there was a blue moon (second full moon in one month) and I hadn't yet put the sheets on our bed....

What better time to camp on the roof deck.  This house has a large roof deck.  The downstairs having 7 rooms and 2 baths and the upstairs having only 2 rooms and 1 bath, the rest of the space is an outdoor roof, surrounded on all sides by 3 1/2 foot walls and the art deco signature style short railing.

When we moved in we had dreams of making it a space to lounge and watch sunsets, but with a few other things on the list that took priority, well we haven't.  A couple of years back we did have to replace the roof which on a flat roof is quite important to the absence of leaks, but not necessarily pretty.  And the paint job of the previous owners was poorly done and shows most on the interior walls of the roof deck, but it's still a good spot for sleeping under the stars.

Fist we laid a canvas tarp, then the air bed, clean sheets and a duvet, 4 big comfy pillows to lean against, two nightstands, a lamp, a bottle of wine on ice, a candle, a bed for Maya,  an iPad, and our 'camp' was complete.

We listened to the Mocking Jay, third in the trilogy of the  Hunger Game series.  The moon rose and was beautiful, the stars came out and sparkled and I drifted off to sleep.

During the night I woke several times and wished I could turn out the light, it was very bright.  The covers became damp, but under them was still warm and cozy with a gentle cool breeze that we wouldn't have felt indoors.

It was a lovely evening, but I don't think I will be going camping anytime soon!


  1. What a great way to camp! I"m not much for "roughing it" either. And it looks so pretty, too - like a bedroom under the stars.

  2. Oooh, it looks so romantic! Just the picture is enough to enjoy it!

  3. Sounds like the best type of camping. what fun and how romantic!

  4. Okay, I just spit out my being after 5:00 p.m. and all! I cannot believe that you, my dear friend, of all people, slept under the stars. Was the air-conditioning not working? Where was the closest bathroom? Whatever did you wear? I'm just trying to get my head around this camping thing. I have tried and I just can't do it. Although, you weren't exactly roughing it. All I can say is ... just when you think you know someone...

  5. Looks like something out of a fancy home decor catalogue!! Nice and inviting.

  6. I'm no camper either. I've always said that my idea of camping is a hotel that doesn't have room service. That's roughing it enough! But your evening under the stars sounds so great! All the comforts of home but a little romantic getaway at the same time! Love it.
