Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sometimes beadwork calls for getting creative with a solution.  This is a cubic raw necklace I wove with gold beads.  The core of cubic raw lends itself to an armature and I wanted it to keep a round shape rather then drape where the front pendant was attached.

I used a black cable and pushed it through the center when the beadwork was completed, however no matter how many rows of cubic raw I completed it still had a tendency to slide down and leave 1/2' to an 1' of exposed cable on either side of the threaded clasp.

Aha.....a dot of super glue could keep it in a good idea.  As careful as I was it spread into the clasp which then of course could no long turn, and the beadwork could not turn, it was kind of a mess.  One I wish I had seen coming.

I cut it apart and took the beadwork back down to where it was glue free, and rebeaded from there.  Solution this time?  I took a metal bead and forced it open wide enough to thread onto the cable by pushing it down onto an awl.  I then threaded it onto the cable and squeezed it tight with pliers.  Perhaps there is a crimp big enough to do this with, but I didn't have one, so the metal bead did the job. I did this on both sides of the clasp.  Then I beaded one additional row up over the stationery metal bead, and put a size 15 between each 11 and pulled tightly closed.  Now the bead work stays put and the cable does not show.


  1. There are crimp beads made large enough to do this, however they would wind up flatter I think then what you're looking for here. I think your solution of opening the hole of the metal bead was perfect. Another option might be using a crimp bead cover which winds up looking like a round bead once it is closed.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Marcia, I was wondering how to solve this problem, too! And Beki´s comment made the solution even clearer, so thank you, both of you!
