Monday, March 17, 2014

Crediting Design Influence

This topic comes up almost as much as copyright infringement so I thought I would let you know where I stand on the subject.  This is me, I don't speak for how any other creator of stuff feels about it.

When I look deeply, artist may be too strong a term for me, I am a creator of stuff and have been since I knit my first scarf at 9 years old, maybe before when I made play dough beads or dressed barbie dolls with scraps of fabric.

It is at the core of who I am, it satisfies me like no other time spent.  I create because I have to.  Sometimes I am happy with what I create and since I discovered beads my love of creation and my love of adornment come together.

My creations are seldom planned, most often sitting down with a pile of beads and the very wispy sense of an idea.  Sometimes a piece of costume jewelry will influence a shape, or a color, sometimes a piece of glass or fine jewelry and sometimes just playing with the beads leads me to a new creation.

I know that at times I am subliminally influenced by something I've seen.  There is so much visual stimulation on the internet that  it would be almost impossible to not let influences creep in.  When I think of the growth in sophistication of beadwork these days, I think it is no accident that it coincides with the proliferation of images we are exposed to. If a similarity to my influence shows up in my work, it is as likely as not that I don't' even recall the original piece.  I of course never sit down to intentionally copy someone's design, so any work I do is original in that all of the influences I may have absorbed are changed up by my brain and my hands to create a new piece that is pleasing to me.

I hate the thought of being accused of not giving appropriate credit because someone somewhere sees a similarity to their work.  I am not saying this has happened to me, but I think it is at the root of this discussion every time I see it come up.

Although as I've said, I may have been subliminally influenced in my past,   I may also have just arrived at a similar design on my own.  If I were expected to give credit for that, I would find that unfortunate.  

If my designs influence other creators of stuff to create stuff I am happy that they saw value and added to their own repertoire and growth.  That's good enough for me, I don't need public credit.  It is not why I create.

As always, there are exceptions and fine lines. I get that if you use a significant design element from someone else's work, it would be polite to mention it.  Again for me it's not required, but I don't want to speak for others.


  1. Every time I think you can't get any more fantastic and gracious and wonderful, you do. I have such love for you and your designs, and for your outlook and generosity.

  2. Nicely stated.
    You are always a class act, Marcia.
    A wonderful influence on the beading community as a whole.

  3. Nicely said. I really just want to comment on your book, Marcia Decoster Presents, I brought it with me yesterday to read while I had my much needed pedicure. It is a wonderful book of kind thoughts and beautiful images...I love it. Thanks for all the eye candy!

  4. Exactly why you are my Beading Oracle of Sage Wisdom! I think your grace and patience are something we should all aspire to! Much love!! ♥

  5. You wrapped it it all so very nicely with your words. Very well said.
    Thanks for adding to the discussion with such a positive light.

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Nicely put!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is so true! One beadweaving creator said "We don't create in a vacuum" and you have expressed it so very well. Thank you.

  9. This is how I feel too. I saw a piece some time ago, which gave me an idea for a very different piece that I'm working on now. I have no idea who made the original. In fact, I can't even recall what the original looked like, I only remember the idea I had after seeing it. How to I credit that, and should I have to?

    Another example is when I saw this post of yours: . Not long aftewards I was crystal shopping and saw some AB Moss green crystals that reminded me of this bracelet. Technically, anything I make will be influenced by this RAW bracelet.

  10. Absolutely! Similarities are just going to happen and there is no reason to fret. Your graciousness and kindness shine through here Marcia. For me, bead by bead copying is another matter...

  11. From one creator of stuff to another, that is very well said! Thank you.

  12. From one creator of stuff to another, that is very well said! Thank you.
