Friday, December 5, 2014

Beadjoux....What a lovely store

Monica and Stephanie, the mother and daughter behind Beadjoux in Braselton Georgia are both so lovely and enthusiastic.  They first contacted me two years ago and we scheduled a May date, but weddings and babies caused a conflict and they graciously offered to reschedule me.

I'm so glad they waited for me and that I'm here now.   They have all the right beads, a great location, big comfortable classroom and many accomplished and happy Beaders wanting to take classes!

I've also been nicely hosted with great meals and friendly company.  Many beautiful pacific morning glorys were built.  Tomorrow a similar crowd will work on quattro cupole followed by Santa Lucia on Sunday.

I've also met a couple of formerly, facebook only friends who are now  in real life friends, always nice!

I'll try to give you some more photos of the experience tomorrow!


  1. Hi Marcia! Have you considered selling the pattern for Vienna? I hope so I love that design! Another pattern I'd purchase is for an architecturally based design you taught at City Beads, Chicago a few years ago, I wish I could remember the name of it. I was so taken with that design, I think it included chain & balancing. I've kept my eyes open for it since in your books and on your website but haven't seen it since.

    I understand from Perry Bookstein's Facebook post that you are planning to retire. Congratulations!!! Best wishes on your upcoming life & Airstream adventures!

    Appreciatively, Julie Shear

  2. Can't wait to see the pics! Hopefully someday I'll get to meet you!
