Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Aaannnnd, she blogs!

This past week a friend called and asked if I remembered the name of a restaurant we had gone to in Pasadena.....well no, I have no memory for things like that, but I do have a searchable blog.  Within in a minute, after typing Pasadena into the blog's search bar, I had a blogpost reminding me of the date and the name of the restaurant.

This was reasonably magic and I was struck about how much of my history was kept in the blog.  I had pretty much given up the blog, feeling a little stuck and boring with nothing much to say.  This event however gave me the impetus to begin again, if for no other reason than to be a journal of my life's events.

So, it may or may not be bead related, although there will be beads, there will be yarn and travel and outings and whatever strikes me as important in my life in any given day.

My digital life is a bit of a mess with an iPad, iMac, and macbook pro and my photos are all over the place.....I need to sort out using the iCloud for photo sharing but at the moment the 27,000 photos I have brings my network to it's knees so I have to sort that out.

Today I'll leave you with some images of new beadwork.

I really have had a yen to make an amulet purse.  I started my love of bead weaving when the amulet purse craze was at it's height in the early 1990's

Ancient Lanterns was formally Ancient Bells with a small 14mm antique but lavender bead, and then I found these navette's in my stash....and I love them!

And knitting still occupies a good portion of my time.  This is a lace wrap by Lisa Daehlin, originally printed in a 2005 Vogue holiday issue.  It can be purchased from the Vogue store now using this link.  I will also be teaching it (with the permission of the designer) sometime in April at South Park Dry goods.

I'll see you again this week, I'll be making a new habit of sharing bits and pieces of my life here.


  1. Funny that you should blog today. I updated mine with a new post today. Great minds think alike!

  2. I used to hand write in a journal daily/weekly...love having my blog to have with pics..plus, I print out and have in book format. Now kids will have my life and see the pics of our times together as well as how I played!
    And, like you, I love being able to search and find 'stuff'...ok, truth be known it's only to prove to hubby he's wrong about where we ate or what we ate! HA

  3. Yes, yes absolutely! So I can remember, as much as for anyone else who might want to look and read. Plus, it's fun for the me's to peek in and see your beautiful life and work. You GO girl!!

  4. Thank you all for the words of encouragement.
