Friday, March 4, 2016

Design Iterations

I like to work out colors in small projects and I like to wear earrings so the combination is a good one for exploring new design combinations.

I wish that I sat down and picked a few colors and the right design emerged.....but inevitably along the way I think about things I would have done differently.

This is the first try and the fabric I wanted to coordinate with is in the background.  The main beads of the ellipse are a dark grey, the button spikes were very dark and the middle 4 green beads were shiny.   I also thought the porportion of the ellipse was too small for the bottom medallion.

So I cut it off and added a bottom crystal.  It's a simpler look and I may make a second but I wanted long and dangly and whimsical looking.

Next up I lightened up the grey and instead of the hot pink accent along the edge I went for a subtle matte green and shiny dark grey.  I also changed the corner beads in the cube that holds the top crystal to hot pink.  Very subtle changes, but I think they show the structure better. I also used a larger fuchsia crystal to hold the ear loop.  Notice too the crystal edge embellishment interspersed with picot is on the top edge of the craw ellipse.

This is the final pair. (well maybe, I still have ideas)  I added two 5mm loch rosen at the top and bottom of the ellipse.I changed the edge crystal embellishment to be on the back edge which gives the earring more depth.  The middle 4 center beads on the medallion are now matte, and the button spikes are more of a patina with silver and black making a little more old world.

Now I have earrings to match my new dress!

1 comment:

  1. It is really interesting to hear your thought process through the development of the design. As I have only been designing for the last couple of years, it is good to know that when I do it, and other designers, we don't always get it the way we want on the first attempt. Thanks for the visions.
