Friday, March 27, 2009

Design Considerations

Being a bead artist who teaches others, I take much into account when designing.

I like my designs to be wearable, provide the right level of challenge and complexity, be achievable in a reasonable timeframe, and be affordable. Another key consideration is that I like the artist beading my work to be able to change it up enough to bring their own creative voice to the piece.

Romantica has been a great example where my design considerations have really worked. It can be taught in a day, but I have much to offer during the course of the day. I've seen many finished Romantica's and I've seen it endlessly changed up to make it unique to the wearer.

Victoria was another great project, but really works better as a two day class. Different color choices change up the look from elegant to soft and romantic. Many mother of the brides have chosen this design.

Given that I am usually considering the teachability factor when designing, writing the book and designing for the magazines has been quite freeing. I had many designs to share that wouldn't be suitable for teaching but will be quite doable with a good set of instructions. Designs like fanfare are easily achieved with just a few minutes of simple instruction.

It wouldn't make sense for me to teach it in a classroom, but it is still a great design that I wanted to share. Oh and did I mention this one has 14 gross of crystal? Yes, this one will take a committment to saving up for those crystals but it just may be worth it! The book also has many other design options with less pricey materials. For the impatient beaders among you, the book is now pre-orderable on Amazon 'Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence' and coming soon will be details on how to order a signed copy on my site (need to put that on the to do list!)


Pencio said...

I look forward to have your book in my hands and it's the same for all my beading friends !

Beverly Ash Gilbert said...

simply gorgeous. love the colors on the Romantica!

dbeck2151 said...

Please start selling kits. Please

Bead-Mused said...

As a teacher myself, I totally agree with what you were saying. Sometimes there's a great project that wants to be taught but would only take half an hour! I also find myself creating everything with lessons going on in the back of mind the entire time I'm stitching. It's nice to find someone else with a similar mindset!

The bad Liz said...

I CAN'T WAIT for your book!! Oops, Liz, calm down, you can wait, you can wait.....

These teasers that you are posting - I love them.....

Unknown said...

I can't wait for your book to come out!!! thank you so much for you comment on my blog! am honoured to have you "visit"! :-)