Monday, January 17, 2011

A Shifting Routine

Mornings that used to be devoted to the blog are now devoted to walking...a 45 minute a day goal. On days like today, I'm then off to other ventures....a birthday lunch for Judipatuti, a visit to the Beach House retreat and a photo session of the beautiful buttons that were done.

As I settle into this new routine I may end my day with a blog post, we'll see how that all works out!

In the meantime, I'm off, have a great day and see you all tomorrow.

p.s. the weather here is amazing, 75 and sunshine, what a difference a year makes. This week last year, it was cold, it rained, there was thunder storms, high wind and even hail. Anyone remembering that?


Bizzy B said...

Congratulations on the resolve to walk. Hope you blog about it now & then as it might get me moving again.

just me said...

what foul weather in san diego? surely you jest!