Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I've been remiss

I picked up the Heather Trimlett beads for Ringlets and kitted up three colorways.

I have a limited supply .....and our best attempts at doing an inventory controlled shopping cart didn't work out so well. Our shopping cart of choice would only allow one page per site for items, meaning that you would need to scroll and scroll and scroll to see what you want.... not a good option so, our attempts at inventory control will be manual. There is a limited supply of these kits based on the number of Heather glass rings available.

I will do my best to keep track as kits are sold so no one is disappointed. Should we run out before we update the site with a sold out, I will contact you and I will cancel your order or back order it for future fulfillment. Hint, pink/lime/orange are the ones most likely to run out first. (wouldn't you know I'm traveling this weekend so I will be challenged to keep up but I will try.)

Color choices are here

and can be ordered here