Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Two more excellent books released

The next two books in the Lark's Master Beadweaving Master Class series have arrived. Maggie Meister's Classical Elegance is out now and Rachel Nelson Smith's Bead Riffs is due to your local bead store any day now. Both are excellent titles showcasing the talents of these two amazing women, both of whom I'm privileged to know.

Rachels will be orderable and therefore reviewable on Amazon any day now and Maggie's is there now. So won't you please take a moment of your time to let these authors know how much you enjoy what they've shared with you.

I feel rather passionate about letting authors know that we appreciate the hard work that goes into these books. You can read my Amazon review message here.

And in the meantime there are free pdf's of Rachel's Rondo necklace and Maggie's Artemesia earrings over on Lark's site. I got to try on the Rondo necklace when I visited Rachel's studio a couple of weeks ago and it is an amazing piece of art totally reflective of Rachel's style.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of either of those books and both look fantastic! Thanks for the tip.
