Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So feminine

I finished up this darling kimono baby sweater last week. My daughter's friend Becky is the next of her group of friends to have a baby and she's having a girl! So I got to knit pink. This beautiful soft dusty pink yarn was perfect.

I bought the yarn in Milwaukee this year on my annual outing with Helen, President of the Loose Bead Society. (do you think if I refer to it as annual she will be willing to take me yet again next year. It's a highlight of the trip)

Both the yarn and pattern are from sublime in book number eight. Their baby patterns are darn cute.

This one has an edging which is picked up around the front and neckline, with a 4 row garter and then a bind off which includes dipping down three rows below, picking up a stitch and binding it off. It makes this nice feminine edging.

I worked hard to find an appropriate newborn dress to go with such a feminine little sweater. I did find a onesy with Burberry trim which was perfect, at least until I asked the price. $120! For a onesy. I've been known to be a bit frivolous from time to time but really, $120 for a newborn onesy. I did find this cute white eyelet dress for much less at Baby Gap.

I'm off to Seattle on Thursday, a favorite Northwest City. I'm pretty convinced I could have lived there....Mark is pretty convinced he could not have. So a visit is nice.


  1. OMG!
    It's to cute this kimono baby sweater^_^

  2. The sweater is adorable and that bind-off is really unique. I hadn't seen that before and it's a really great idea. Very feminine! Nice job!
