Monday, August 29, 2011


Not this one, although this one holds plenty of excitement with my trip to Germany to teach a set of full classes at Das Perlament in Bonn, but the next October, the one in 2012 is shaping up to hold all kind of excitement as well.

October is my birth month, ten ten an easy to remember birthdate, and it's always been a favorite month with a return to a chill in the air, and in my growing up state of Massachusetts, the beautiful fall foliage. Last years birthday, ten ten ten found me in my home studio with visiting artist NanC Meinhardt, joined by several like minded bead artists and beading our artsticks.

This year I will be in Holland, followed by my trip to Germany. A favorite shot from the Spaarne canal at the end of the Bakkenessergracht where we lived in Holland.

and next year.......

Back to back excitement with my first participation in the Southern Bead Retreat followed immediately by a Beadventure in New York City. I will be leading a design workshop as well as visiting some of my favorite Manhattan venues for inspiration. And we get to hold class in one of the best bead stores with one of the most gracious bead store owners, Beads by Blanche. And if all that wasn't enough, Mother Hen for this trip (the person who helps me to keep everything organized and joins us on the adventure) will be Maggie Meister. I don't know about you, but I never get to see Maggie enough for my taste, so a week together in Manhattan...spectacular! It's the kind of fun you don't want to miss out on. Between us we know a lot about Manhattan, special places for shopping, for eating, for relaxing and of course for beads and beading.

My piece for the Southern Bead Retreat is designed and as soon as it's available for registration I'll tell you all about it. For the Beadventure I will be designing a piece as a starting point for inspiration and the beaders who join us will be able to use the design as the beginning for their own inspiration.


  1. Ten Ten is also my very favorite guy's birthday. My hubby. I've known several people with that birth day and they're all, without exception, terrific people! No wonder I liked you immediately!

  2. If you need a special place for a birthday dinner or lunch in Holland, go to Restaurant Anna in the Warmoesstraat in Amsterdam. It is a wonderful place for a wonderful day.

    - Pepita
