Monday, August 29, 2011


I'd been hearing the term Pinterest here and there, but it sometimes takes me awhile to tune in. When Heather Powers invited me last week I decided to have a closer look. Being a highly visual person, much more so then a word person, I think of this as a visual twitter. I can organize all the images that really speak to me in categories, all with links back to the source should I want to visit it again.

I can pin any photo I like and it also gives me links to websites and blogs and other pinterest members who are putting together their own pins. I'm intrigued. Above are the few photos I've pinned, and categorized for home, color inspiration, artisitic destinations.

I look forward to spending some more time developing the color inspiration board and travel board. Next year is our 25th wedding anniversary (really? how is that possible?) and we want to plan something special. I think this could be just the place to seek out some beautiful spots and catalog them for contemplation.

1 comment:

  1. "Pinterest" really sounds interesting. I am an eye person myself and I often find pics or other interesting things I want to save or share and if I don´t do it immediately it´s forgotten. I know there was something really beautiful and I often have the image in my head still...but I can´t find the source. "Pinterest" looks like a good way to find them again.

    Can you pin as you want to?

    For now, I have requested an invite. We will see when I will get it.

