Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog hop

Well the party's not quite begun, but I thought I would show you some of what will make it into my goodie box.

I pulled out some pretties....crystal, fire polish, silk ribbon and acrylic flowers. Lot's here to play with. I'll be adding a myriad of seed beads, tubes I bought over the years and am not using.

Think a really full small priority mail box, as much beady goodness as I can fit in there will be yours.

How's a blog hop work? Twelve blogging friends will be hosting a giveaway of their own. I'll be listing the links, as will each of them. Go have a blog visit if you like and if you'd like to be entered into their drawing then follow their rules. For me, a blog comment will do.

At the end of the blog hop, each blogger will be choosing a winner and sending their selected gift on it's way to you. Simple and you may find some bloggers you haven't met before. It's a talented group!

I'll let you know when it starts, I promise!


  1. So, you already have the participants?

  2. Hi Marcia,
    Can't wait to discover the talented bloggers !
    Kind regards

  3. Wow, Marcia, what a great idea! Shop hops are fun, why not a blog hop? I'll be interested to see how it works. I am SO SAD Shannon and I didn't get to bead with you this weekend; we were really looking forward to a wonderful weekend! But I'm happy you're coming back to City Beads next year, and Diane reminded me yesterday you're coming to Louisville in 2014. Plus there's fabulous B&B on the horizon! XXX Ellen

  4. Hi Marcia,
    Looking forward to hop. Would be great to see what other talented artists are inspired by. loved the class at Blanches'. Almost done with En Pointe...after a good nights sleep...I had no problem. Be well...Jamie

  5. Ellen, I am so so sorry I didn't get to see the two of you, darn it all! But yes on next year and I think Louisville is 2013 so perhaps I need to check in on that.

  6. @ Jamie, would love tro see you En Pointe! Miss you!

  7. waiting on some information to start the hop, will keep you all posted.

  8. I can't wait for this blog hop to start and to see what everyone is blogging about! The beads you posted are beautiful as always! Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful beads that are being given away!

  9. This is fun...and I already follow several of the bloggers! :)
