Sunday, December 4, 2011


We won't have a tree this year, but I had reason to peruse the ornament box and marvel at some of my past creations. They invoke memories of where I lived at the time. These were all pre-Mark. When I met Mark we began the tradition of blown glass ornaments, each year taking the kids on an outing to find the best one. We would come home and mark the initials and the year inconspicously on the ornament. It was a fun tradition, but it ended the handmade ornament phase. Long ago I got rid of all the dough ornaments, but there were some really excellent ones, and they held up really well for a long time. I lived in Boston and Casey was one.

This one's for Kate, it was the year of the felt ornaments. I lived in Scotts Valley and Casey was six.

The year of embroidery, I lived in Fremont California and Casey was four

The year of starched crochet, I lived in Milpitas and Casey was three

Back to the felt, same vintage as the unicorn

All of this was of course pre-beads. Casey is 34, and I don't make my ornaments anymore, perhaps I should.


  1. I love hand made ornaments and the memories. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hand made ornaments - love them. Such a wonderful way to create memories....and traditions too.

  3. Omigosh, I remember the embroidered dove....I did one too, I think it was a Vogue pattern? I loved those and still do, and I suspect I have the original pattern somewhere....
