But I also write to interact with you....all of those who for the most part I've come acquainted with through the bead world, but also some non bead friends, who keep track of my travels. So I love to read your comments. If I have met you I can see your smiling face in my mind, and if I haven't but I see you're photo, I can picture your smiling face as I get to know you.
I encouraged you to write with the blog hop this month, and then I realized.......I often read and don't comment.......and so now I am making a point to let those people whose moments I get to share through their blog know that I am reading and I appreciate their writings.
Yesterday I spent the day beading on the veranda. The weather was a perfect 72 degrees with a warm, soft breeze. I brought the speakers and listened to soothing music.
The design I envisioned in my head is not the design I ended up with, but sometimes being able to let go of the vision and see what shows up is a good trait. It's a really pretty piece, and it has the all important 'motion' in it. When you have a theme of 'Beads in Motion' it tends to drive the design decisions! I'm waiting on the perfect clasp so I can wear this classic piece.
If I see you in Tucson I will most likely be wearing some of the book pieces, taking them out for their marketing debut and their wearability test run. Do you do this? I know some pieces wear better then others and sometimes you don't see the design flaw until you've worn the piece awhile.
I've decided goal setting is a must, monthly, weekly and daily at this point. So today the calendar comes out for review of the week. I have a schedule of illustration and beading which must be done on time for everything to be completed by it's deadline. So far the calendar says it is doable with no unforeseen interrupts.......
and forgive the personal shout out, but I need to communicate, @ Jamie, I have drops for you, but my email appears not to be getting to you, drop me a note with your address.
Hello Marcia, I say thank you very much for your blogging.
I look forward to seeing what you have created (really looking forward to 'beads in motion')
I enjoy seeing where you are going - I get to see a bit of the world through your eyes.
I enjoy reading your philosophies and humour. I too, having met you, get to see your smiling face and sometimes actual with your plum coloured rug and matching fingernails ;-)
My blog writing is inspired by your sharing.
So as you check out and plan your calendar for the months up ahead, be sure to write in 'blogging' and continue to share, inspire, challenge, reveal, laugh, and goodness knows what else your blogging does for me and countless others.....Patrick
Felices Fiestas.....
Pues nada mas leerlo pensé en ti, si te apetece y te hace ilusión rellena la siguiente entrevista y mándasela a Arantxa junto a una foto tuya a este correo electrónico:
¡No te olvides de completar los datos que están después de la entrevista!
¿Quieres decirnos tu nombre?
¿Cuántos años tienes?
¿País de nacimiento?
¿País de residencia?
¿Cuánto hace que empezaste con esta afición?
Cuéntanos como empezaste.
Dinos 3 artistas que te inspiren.
¿Cuántas horas dedicas a la semana a esta afición?
¿Te dedicas profesionalmente a esto?
¿Qué otras aficiones tienes?
¿Quieres contarnos algo más de tu vida?
- ¿Quien te envía la entrevista? (Web, blog, flickr, facebook...)
- Copia y pega la dirección de todas tus páginas:
Galería (flickr...):
Tienda (Etsy...):
¡¡¡Feliz Navidad!!!"
Debe escribirme SIEMPRE la persona entrevistada y debo recibir el correo dentro de plazo, es decir, el último día para recibir entrevistas será el 5 de enero.
Thank you Patrick, how fortunate that we have actually met. So glad you were able to come to Cessnock and that we were able to connect.
Marcia - this is a lovely post. I've been reading your blog for over a year and very much enjoy seeing what you're working on, where you're going, and just hearing what's going on in your life. To me, it feels like a weird kind of one-sided friendship.
I did take a class from you & wasn't disappointed. The class was fun, the product beautiful, and you were just as nice a person as you seem to be in your blog.
I thank you for all the inspiration you've given me. It was your patterns that pushed to learn RAW. Rose
Ah thank you Rose, it is nice getting to know people here so I appreciate it and I do recognize BizzyB from the comments!
Well, I'm totally guilty - I am a faithful reader every day (or very nearly), having found you through Kate McKinnon's posts about her "Bead Summit." (I've been a faithful reader of Jean Power's since then, too!) I watched a video Kate posted in which you were wearing Romantica, and I thought, "I absolutely MUST get a closer look at that!!" From there, I found your blog and then began drooling over the projects in "Beaded Opulence" which I finally bought this summer. I am completely new to beading and am inspired by your work and your perspective. (I'm also lusting after your bead wall but that's beside the point!) I'll try to do a better job of weighing in instead of "lurking"!
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