Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunrise, flora and fauna

I walked again this morning, this time along East Cliff, where the waves crash onto sandy shores.

The sunrise was beautiful and the surfers were out in abundance.

the ocean holds magic for me. I love the dramatic skies, the sounds of the waves and the force with which they break. I always feel most at peace with and ocean nearby.

A few other photos from our aquarium trip seem worthy of sharing. The organic shapes and color play of these ocean specimens captured my attention.

Off to visit my Beading by the Bay partner Susan for a leisurely afternoon. And hopefully some bead time.


  1. Hi Marcia,
    In French we have a saying : "I wish I were a mouse" during your afternoon :o))
    Enjoy !

  2. The photos are great...what a beautiful underwater world.

  3. The ocean is a magical place. Those pictures would be beautiful printed on canvas. Thanks for sharing.

  4. SOOOO envious of you right now...enjoying a beach while I'm looking at snow >.<

    You should offer some of your photographs as prints! There are sites out there that will do the print making and mailing for you. is one - they offer you a choice of what sizes of prints you want to offer as well as materials, and have a base price set stating how much they make from each sale, but you can change the asking price so you make more money than their base states. Their cost stays the same, only yours and the customers changes. It's not the best profit making site to sell through, but it's a free site to show case your work and maybe make a few bucks while doing it :) I have some photos offered there, and while I've never sold one, I don't mind since I didn't add them specifically to sell them and am not paying anything to have them listed :)

  5. Not directly relevant to the post, but I wanted to thank you for inspiring me. Last night, for the first time since I was 11, I picked up a pair of knitting needles and started a ball of yarn – Sirdar Salsa in blue, if anyone's interested. I enjoyed it enough to pack my kit into my handbag and carry on knitting on the tube this morning (much to the bemusement of my fellow passengers). One ruffled scarf coming up, and a reignited interest in knitting. So thank you!

  6. T=mc2, I loved knitting on the train when I lived in Holland, so portable and a relaxing and productive way to spend the time.

  7. I used to live in New Jersey and work in Manhattan. I knitted on the train both ways and made more sweaters than at any other time in my life! Great time to knit!
