Saturday, December 17, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

What a beautiful day we had. The aquarium is exquisite. It seems almost everywhere I pointed the camera there was an astounding picture.

I haven't been since the sea horse exhibit opened, and it was breathtaking.

I had never
seen a forest sea horse, those eyes look like stage make-up, with long false eyelashes

And then there was this whimsical species

And the jellyfish never cease to amaze me.

And the sea turtles.....

I have 100 more photos I could share with you, I'll be sorting out the best ones and creating another aquarium filled post.

this morning I started my day with a favorite walk along West Cliff with a favorite friend Rachel. We saw the sunrise over the ocean and we walked 5 miles! Followed by a frittata and latte. Now perhaps some beading before our family Christmas festivities begin.


  1. Those pictures are just beautiful. I love the seahorse.

  2. Auch ich durfte diesen "Großen Fetzenfisch" bereits im Aquarium bewundern. Einmalig! Liebe Grüße von Ate

  3. One of the many things I love about you is your willingness to deploy adjectives, especially those that express delight.

  4. Hey Marcia....glad that you are having such a great time! I think I'm going to travel to Mystic, CT over the Xmas break and take my kids to the aquarium over there. Your pictures are fabulous.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yay I love your pictures! Seahorses are my fave!

  7. Great pics! 'glad you're enjoying time with family.

  8. The photos are great Marcia....keep 'em coming!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It would be neat to go to an aquarium this tim of year and walk on the beach. The colorful whimsical seahorse shold be inspiration for a lampwork artist!

  11. I was fortunate enough to see the "Sea Dragons" at the Oregon Aquarium in New Port. They have to be the most wonderful creatures ever!! What a great day you had to enjoy! Happy Holidays!

  12. I've never seen such a seahorse before ! Your pictures make me feel like going to an aquarium, they're beautiful great colours !
    Enjoy the holidays,

  13. Love those cute sea horses! It's one of those creatures where, had you never seen real footage of them or encountered them IRL and were presented wtih an accurate drawing, you'd start to wonder if they really existed -- looking just like that -- or if it was just a fantasy animal made up by the artist. There's a lot of fascinating, beautifully odd-looking animals and plants in this world!

  14. Wow, that Forest Sea Horse is just amazing...I've never seen anything like it! The jelly fish is pretty darn cool too but I just can't get over those sea horses! So beautiful and unique!

  15. Glad to see you are enjoying your trip. Love the seahorses! I was reading an earlier post & saw the pic of your dog, she is adorable! Such a sweet face. Enjoy your holidays.

  16. I haven't been to the Monterrey aquarium in years but hope to go soon (we're moving out there). Would dearly love to see the seahorses. And deploying adjectives is such a great phrase. Love Kate's own vocabulary too!
