Friday, December 16, 2011

What's in a bag?

My new favorite bead bag...the perfect size for carrying everything you need for several projects. Each fun print is lined with 4 interior pockets

And 4 exterior pockets. I use these to tuck in my tools. Always a bead triangle, a thread bobbin, a needle case (this one from friends Stephney and Rachel) and my gingher special edition embroidery scissors. I also have a notebook and pencil for jotting down the finer points of a design.

The tag is the name of one of the four palettes I'm using for the next book. So yes there are three more of these bags, all different prints, all filled with the same tools. it's nice to be able to pick up a bag and have everything I need wherever I am.

The best part, the bags are made in California by Atenti company. They have overnight bags, knitting bags, pursed and a cute little pouch, perfect for jewelry, cosmetics, or in my case, glitter nail polish!

Maya thinks it's time for me to pay attention to her!

Such a cute girl. She's so happy to be able to come with us!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. That's the difference between a true bead artist and one who is just starting out to bead - it is all about the tote and I might add the patterned little scissors. I love both.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a grand idea! adorable bags for grab and go! hmmm I have a plan brewing for sure! Though Miss Maya is the winner in today's post! so good to have the family together! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!!

  4. Those bags are terrific! One of the Judi Patuti Bead Mats would go perfectly in one of those! All the cool mixed patterns are so bright and fun...the colors alone are enough to inspire some beading!

    And I just love bags with lots of pockets for all my little things!

    I don't have any of the special edition Gingher scissors but I did pick up 2 pairs of their basic (silver color) embroidery scissors at Michael's last spring when they were on clearance...2 pairs at $4.99 each!...can' beat that price!

    But I do love how you color coordinate your projects to your newest pair of scissors! And your finger nails to your favorite bead colors!

    And thank you for the email regarding the Dream Keeper Vessel Ring...I can wait til you get back!

  5. Marcia, I'm intrigued - what's a bead triangle?

  6. Nice bag. I like to have one ready to grab and go. Hug the pup for me.

  7. Great tote bags. I was interested to hear you include a bead triangle....I always make sure I carry one as well.
    I have a question about your scissors. I find that Fireline quite quickly dulls any scissors I buy. Do you find that your Gingher scissors stand up better? Any Gingher scissors or specifically the embroidery ones?
    BTW..sweet photo of Maya.

  8. Tu cartera esta preciosa!! Eres un beaded fashionista!!!

  9. @ Helen I am irreverent with my tools, I wouldn't recommend cutting fireline with you ginghers (although I do...)

  10. @ Chris, a small metal triangle which I use to scoop beads up from the tray and pour back into tubes, handy

  11. @ Chris, a small metal triangle which I use to scoop beads up from the tray and pour back into tubes, handy

  12. @ Chris, a small metal triangle which I use to scoop beads up from the tray and pour back into tubes, handy

  13. @ Tia, Judy has just developed a wonderful tote which will carry her mats and also a little scrap bag so the will all be color coordinated.

  14. I am off to the Judi Patuti site to see if she has these new totes posted yet!

    That sounds like a wonderful idea...I love the patterns and fabrics she chooses for her bead mats so the totes will be awesome!

    I have ruined several pairs of small embroidery scissors by cutting my fireline with I haven't even tried to use my Ginghers for it! You are a brave woman Marcia!

    I have several pairs of small childrens craft scissors that I pick up at the grocery store for that purpose...and they usually cost less than a dollar!

  15. Yes, to the red shag overnighter!
