Monday, October 22, 2012

Dream Keeper Vessel Ring

It was a year and half ago I first designed the Dream Keeper Vessel ring, the one with the shrink plastic dream inside.  I've taught it at several venues, but had been reluctant to release it to kit.....but it seems the interest is high since I've had many many emails asking for the pattern.

So this week I came to the conclusion the time is now, well not right now, as I will be making samples and I want to re-write the directions to add a few new and improved illustrations.  But in the next few weeks you should see some color choices on the website.  I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Here is color way number one, Aqua and Gold!

I think they are perfect for wearing two at a time, so each color way will have two rings, same colors but inverse placement, one with crystal top and the other with pearl top.  They will be priced individually or sold as a pair, your choice.  And if you don't wear a pair yourself, perhaps you have a friend, a mother, a daughter, a sister, who would like to wear your companion ring.

I love when a small piece of beadwork offers the opportunity to play with color and this one is going to get plenty of play!


  1. I love it! It is such a gorgeous ring pattern, and this colorway is yummy.

  2. Love it!!! You're torturing me with your comment to watch things over the next few weeks! Week-s?!!! You do love to torture us, don't ya?!!! Smile!!
    I know when everything is completed, it'll be a complete, total knockout!

  3. Love it!!! You're torturing me with your comment to watch things over the next few weeks! Week-s?!!! You do love to torture us, don't ya?!!! Smile!!
    I know when everything is completed, it'll be a complete, total knockout!

  4. Pattern soon?? Antsy here.
    We've managed to see each other 4 times this year, and every time, you've had on a beautiful dream keeper ring (or two!).
    Now I know I must have one. It was meant to be !

  5. I'm already blue from holding my I guess I must wait even longer, but I think it will be well worth it.

  6. Count me in. Love these colors. Can't wait to purchase the pattern. Thank you for reconsidering.

  7. Bellisima y unos tonos....uuuuhhhhmmmmm divinos.....

  8. I always think these would be stunning in fuchsia and black with silver accents (hint, hint!)

  9. I've always loved this ring so it's exciting to think that I may be able to put it on a pressie list soonI (Christmas?)
    This colourway is fabulous but I suspect the others will be too what a great dilemma to have!

  10. I actually emailed you about a pattern and was soooo very sad that this ring was not offered, but my beading prayers have been answered and I can't wait for the kits :-) Thank you so much for your generosity!

  11. perfecttttt süperrrrrrrrrrr süperrrrrrrrrrr süperrrrrrrrr
