Sunday, October 21, 2012

My extended birthday

I arrived home from the Southern Bead Retreat to a package from a dear friend

If you don't know, I am really a New England girl.  Since my family is here, here is where I stay, on the West Coast, but I have true East Coast roots.


Memories of Autumn in New England

Autumn leaves, Cape Cod tea and cookies, the perfect gift for reminiscing....such a lovely treat to come home to, thanks jm!


  1. It's a small world...I can't remember how I happened upon your blog. Maybe I saw a flash of that silver head of yours with the beautiful shock of purple....I don't remember but found you I did and enjoy your posts.
    So, my dear friend Peggy H. puts a post up on FB with friends and raves about her time at Callaway...and there you are standing with her! Love this small world we live in. Have a great week! From one silver head to another!

  2. Wow, yes it is a small world. Peggy was so much fun, and s he really enjoyed working with the right angle weave, just ask her!
