Monday, October 21, 2013

Have beads will travel

I realize as I travel around the world with beads that there are folks who read my blog and keep up with the goings on because they mention it to me. They will know about the purse Bad Liz made me, or the time I met Nancy Dale or the trip I took to Alaska, and I realize that through those writings I remain connected to bead folks from all over.

I'm also keenly reminded of how inter-connected this entire community is when I meet beaders at Stitchncraft who have met Helena Tang Lim and we talk together about her work. Or when Kerrie Slade shows me Yorkie her beaded doll in the likeness of Perry Brookstein of York beads where I've often shopped. Or when Kerrie relays that she has seen my Kandra ring on Kandra during their frequent skype sessions.

This weekend I was so so close to being able to meet Miriam Cielo Shimon whose work I am totally enamored with, but we just couldn't quite make it happen, I am hoping for next year.

I did reconnect with Shona who I first met at the Southern Bead retreat last year. She came wearing an Aelia one day and Spirit Flight the next. She is full of contagious enthusiasm and is doing some amazing bead designs of her own. She'll be teaching at Stitchncraft next year.

This trip all came about because of having met two British beaders when they persistently reached out to me wanting to come visit my studio. It turned out that they were truly delightful and we spent many fun San Diego days together. Stephney invited me to come teach for her Midland Beaders group and a plan was made.

The trip has been spectacular starting with a 5 day holiday in London. We stayed at the new modern trendy Citizen M and it was just my style. It was also conveniently situated on the Thames and near the London Bridge tube station so we were able to get out and about through London each day. We went to the V&A and saw a fabulous Pearl exhibit. We went to Greenwich and crossed the Prime Meridian. We had tea at Fortnums, saw Tom Hank at the Odean premiere of Captain Phillips and listened to Beatles tunes at the Savoy's Let it Be. My birthday was spent at the Stitch show at Alexandra Palace, locally referred to as Ally Pally. I met the darling Joanne from Southhampton beads. I bought some felt and some yarn and a Yoshi satchel.

Classes in the midlands and now down at Stitchncraft have been totally fabulous. Very accomplished beaders here.

Today I have off and since my fitbit has been working overtime wracking up some impressive step counts, I will spend much of today beading, interspersed with a little walking and a visit to the local pub.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having a good time here in the UK, Marcia. Looking forward to heading down to Dorset tomorrow to pick up my Rings of Saturn kit. Have a nice time at the pub!

