Friday, October 4, 2013

The ultimate artists date

Julia  Cameron's the Artist's Way recommends weekly artists dates to flex your creative muscles in new directions.

I do not take this advice near often enough as I focus being prepared for each engagement in front of me.  But each engagement finds a way to incorporate the ultimate artist's date.

In Seattle this summer it was a visit to the Chihuly Museum.

Followed by a trip to Bainbridge Island by ferry.  I really should live somewhere where I have to take a ferry to go places....a favorite mode of transport!  I found this at the Bainbridge art museum.  The colors alone are inspirational.

The Alaskan cruise provided breathtaking views, this one in the Tracy Arms Fjord.  One big deep breath and I can feel the calm of that day returning.

and Los Angeles, well Los Angeles brought this.....a chance meeting with Tim Gunn.  I've always admired him so when I caught a glimpse of him at an Emmy party I decided I would say hello.  I did and he was incredibly gracious, taking my hands in his, asking my name and telling me how nice it was to meet me.  How lovely!

Tomorrow takes us to London and we have 5 days to explore.  A trip to Greenwich, tea at Fortnums, the Victoria and Albert and out to Alexandra Palace for the huge stitch show.  Now that will be an ultimate artists date.

I'm looking forward to this trip and to soaking up the moments and savoring them.

What is your ultimate Artist Date?  Sometimes a stroll through one's own garden will suffice, or a trip to a local farmers market or the library to take in a few art books.  The important thing is to remember to nurture ourselves and our creative sides!


  1. I am so lucky to live in a town where I can have Artist dates with my doll maker guild at least twice a month. We get together & just create or take a daily trip of just sit/talk/laugh/drink wine. Then I get to sometimes head up to Detroit to have laughingly good times with my beading friends. But the best is when Chris & I can go downstairs to our joint studio & work on a project together. I am blessed to have so many people that want to just have fun creating. And yes, sometimes just a walk in the neighborhood bouncing ideas off my best friend in the world, my husband, is the greatest joy.

  2. I'm hoping to get to the Museum of London to see the 'Cheapside Hoard' Exhibit (opens 11th October) and a contemporary jewellery exhibit that is running alongside. I also have a trip to Dorset and a couple of classes to look forward to this month ;)
