Monday, March 2, 2015

Musings on this thing called retirement

So here I am retired, and not.  I always knew that I would want to stay connected to the bead world, and that I would want to design and maybe sell some kits and maybe tutorials and I hinted mid last year I was ready and I am…..

But I need to learn to do a slightly better job.  I've been home mostly since December, but I was busy prepping for four Interweave videos on CRAW.  Step out preparation takes a fair amount of time.  If I want to show you a square, I will make a start, make a second piece showing how to turn a corner and make a third piece so I can now show the join without making you wait while I finish the square.  Take that model times about 40 different techniques I wanted to show you, and it was a lot of step outs that needed doing.  Which is all ok, it makes me think about the stitch in an academic way and Im a better beader for it, and I have high hopes that you'll love the information shared and will find it a positive in your bead stitch knowledge.

Also, I had a blast, I love the Interweave team, and I loved Fort Collins and it was a treat to be there.

Here Nick is getting a preview of what we'll do in this segment.

This step out is color coded to explain how cubes are shared at the corners and how to count.

Each of my Bead On It Boards (yes I have a few) is staged to be able to grab during the filming to show the next segment.

The fourth of the series show shaping by increasing and decreasing.

So I've shared with you some of the process, but back to the topic….

Retirement.  So this bit of work took some time and then I had promised to kit up some Ancient Bells and I did.  The response was wonderful and we kitted more and we spent a few days shipping.  Then it was time to prepare for Beading by the Bay.  It's a wonderful event in it's 6th year and every year I look forward to it.  Together with partner Susan, we send emails, track color choices, make name tags, pick menus, and I write directions, and print directions and kit.  This year it's Layla, named for my newest grand daughter.  It's a pretty piece and an intense one….not difficult, but lots of size 15 craw with turns and joins, 26 of them to be exact.  I'm looking forward to it's teaching debut.

So back to the original discussion, while all fun, it's not exactly retirement, yet, and that's ok, I like to work, I like to work with beads.  The thing is I had hoped to bring you more kits by now, some of you are waiting patiently for La Navette (I have the beads!) and Romantica re-visited (also I have the beads) and there are a few more aqua and gold ancient bells that could be kitted and some more duomos, but in the interest of not working all day every day, they have to wait.  I'm hoping for mid April and I'll be sure to let you know.  After August I am definitely, really and truly cut back and then website kits may be more regular, until then it's the best I can do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update and pleased to hear when we can hope for more kits and understand to not hold our breath. Now you can breath!
