Tuesday, March 10, 2015


At Beading by the Bay this year we decided on rings made of Cerulan clay and crystal for our make and take.  Who knew how much fun it would be!  I made several prior to the event so I would be 'practiced' but Susan did the actual class.

Melissa and Heather joined in the fun as well.  Mine is the whimsical one with the lime green sprocket. There were many glittery ones.  Pigment powders really fancied them up!

You also see quite a few wonderful bracelets in this photo.  Bonnie Morris is sporting the green and pink one which has it's roots in contemporary geometric beadwork.

Kate used pop beads and sprockets to make a tall one, and Heathers is the one in the forefront that looks like it might have a martini olive on it.

Liz Thompson gifted me this gorgeous pendant.  Apparently I did bead beg the first time I saw the photo on line but since it's reasonably shameless behavior I had forgotten about it, so it was a nice surprise.  Sadly she is not teaching this one at Bead and Button

But she is teaching this one and three others.  I love how ornate and delicate her pieces are.  You can find her teaching schedule here.

And to leave you with a smile, the lovely Layla Joy who is just learning to enjoy yogurt.

I'm off on a knitting retreat, preceded by a stop in Asheville NC then up to the mountains.  Should be a grand time, I'll keep you posted.


  1. Love the rings. The pic of Layla is adorable.


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