Monday, May 18, 2015

Bead Dreams

The entries for this years Bead and Button Bead Dreams competition are now available for your viewing pleasure.  There are a lot of really incredible entries.

If you'd like to have a look, click here

I'm not sure if in previous years they've been posted so early.  I kind of like waiting until they are unveiled at Bead and Button outside of the showroom and of course there is nothing like seeing them up close and personal.  In the meantime if you are curious you can have a look.  I realize not everyone is able to go and it's nice to be able to see the pieces.

You may recall me telling the story of preparing for this year.  Or of last years collaborative entry with Sherry here.  I also did two collaborations with the Dallas Bead Society resulting in beautiful pieces.

But this  year I really wanted to make a piece that was all my own and prove to myself I had the perseverance to make it happen.  I almost gave up, and then I didn't.  I got it done a few stolen moments at a time.

It's called Journey because much like the master class I taught, it was a collection of different elements that I've used and improved on during my beading career.  I'm happy it was finished and happy it was accepted and will be happier still when it comes home with me and can live in the studio reminding me that I did it.

As always it has a heavy dose of Swarovski crystal

Creating with some of my tried and true components but adding the new bead shapes was fun.
You can see a pretty little glass component gifted to by the talented Patty Lakinsmith. It was perfect addition.  Also Rizo's and pips can be seen in use here.

This photo gives you an idea of the dimension going on.

I'm exceptionally pleased with how it really speaks to the entirety of my learning to bead.


  1. Oh my gosh Marcia, it took my breath away! I love everything about it, and hope that you win! So elegant. Nice work! <3

  2. Marcia- I'm breathless; The piece definitely spoke to me. It is a real collaboration of all your work. You are going to win.

  3. 'Journey' is incredibly beautiful Marcia! So lush with lots of wonderful detail and elaborate yet wearable. Best of luck!

    Kerrie x

  4. Glorious Marcia! I most love the subtle and rich colors. And I am a big fan of how you use crystal too! Bravo! Beautiful work!

  5. WOW! This necklace is absolutely beautiful!
    Greetings, Brigitte

  6. Stunning Marcia! I wish I could have seen it in person!

  7. It's not only spectacular work from a design and technical standpoint, but it's the best culmination of your style and artistic vision. You've definitely succeeded on that front. Awesome work!

  8. What mix of colors and technique! It is a wonderful piece. My congratulations. It's my favorite.
