Monday, June 8, 2015


That's what happen when you host a daughters wedding and attend Bead and Button on back to back weekends!

The wedding was magical.  Casey's vision was realized and the venue turned out beautiful.  Big thanks go to three dear friends who showed up and transformed our yard into a lovely spot for a wedding and did all the background work to make it happen.  Huge thanks to Mark as well who worked very hard to make the yard ready, made a wishing tree, ran a large number of wedding errands and as is usual was my rock.

Who doesn't love a dog in a tutu, and a beautiful bride?

  This is behind our house where the airstream is usually parked.  It was moved to the end, you can just make it out and was used as a photo booth.  We had a lot of fun with that.  And a popcorn bar, 36 inch white balloons, and lots of lots of beautiful flowers.

All of the rest of my kids and grand kids stayed with us through Wednesday.  We went to the zoo and a wonderful visit.  Malayna even helped in the studio, 4 is a good age for putting stickers on MadDesigns kits!

Then it was off to Bead and Button.  Tracy and I had matching polka dot leggings….of course.  What we didn't know is we also had matching polka dot dresses, hers was black and mine was white but it was the same dress!

Here is a pretty shot of the night sky and the river.  Home from dinner one night I decided to get out of the taxi half way and walk, needed those fitbit steps!

Here is my bead dreams piece in the case….with someones foot….it was nice to see it there.  Lots of incredible pieces in those cases.

Here I am with Huib whose beard matched my hair.  He is very dapper in a bow tie and colorful shirt.

I had a few saga's…..a box I shipped to myself full of kits went missing.  It turns out I had the zip code wrong by one digit, so much for proofreading.  For meet the teachers my wonderful helpers started an interest list for those who wanted the missing kits.  They have been found and should get back to me by the end of the week.  If you signed my interest list I will be in touch as soon as they arrive home.

I have three weeks until the next big adventure which happens in England. After that I will be really retired for this year.  I have no other beady engagements until next March's Beading by the Bay.   At Bead and Button I hear a lot that I was not doing a really good job of 'retiring' but I am about to embark on 7 months of no bead travel.  There will however be airstream travel and quite a bit of it.  I've started an airstream blog for that part of my life….I'll share it once it gets a bit more regular.

Oh and there will be kits and new projects here and there as time permits.  I'm not going to stop beading, just some of the bead travels!

1 comment:

  1. Love the simpler version of the navette pendant paired with the sprocket necklace.
