Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rainy Days and Fridays

Rainy fridays are made for bead play.  Especially in San Diego in May where it's clear this will be close to the last of the rainy days until next season.

I rose to a long list of things that need to doing to prepare for both a home wedding and the following weeks Bead and Button trip.  I puttered about with a kit that needed finishing but I couldn't work up the enthusiasm for more kitting or printing of directions or hemming of table runners.

I realized only beading was going to settle me down.  Is it like that for you too?  When I'm antsy, creating something with my hands is what is needed.  While moving things about in the studio I came across the aqua and green medallion I had completed maybe even months ago.  I don't know what caused it to be abandoned.  Perhaps I was try ing out a color combination, or time got away from me, but there it was and I decided I loved it.

I pulled out the beads, sat down with my bead board and finished it into an earring.  The perfect drops were in my stash and I had two.  The second ear ring was easy enough to finish, especially being motivated to wear them. I'm pleased with this pair.  They are a little fancy for the hardware store, my personal test of everyday vs. fancy pants.  These will be part of the Going Formal collection for next years cruise.

Now back to wedding preparedness.   You know when you invite company over and you clean the house a little more diligently?  Well hosting a wedding creates that dynamic times ten.  Mark and I are busy every day doing things that have waited years to be done!  Off to Home Depot.

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