Thursday, May 14, 2015

What's in a name?

Naming is just not my strong suit, so when I recreated the little teardrop pendant at the bottom of the sprocket pendant (one of my better names!) I was of course tempted to call it the sprocket earring.

Simple enough, right ?  I must have gone to a group of friends for guidance and all I can imagine is that one of them came up with 'walking in tandem' and I said, sure, sounds good.  I have no other explanation for that name.  I don't remember anything about the thought process or who named them.  I'm not complaining, it's a fine name but I will most likely always refer to them as the sprocket earrings!

Dancing lights was a good name, Romantica has certainly stuck, I always liked spirit flight but the one that makes me cringe is ripplestiltskin!  That was a Mark name.  It happened as I was filling out paperwork to teach it and it needed a name that minute.  I've retired that project, could be the name…..and Liz reminded me of Mark's brilliance in naming Under the Mast.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the story for Under the Mast - that was a good one

    I've been using the names of historic castles, palaces and places. Seems to work for me. Silly me even made a spread sheet!
