Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dream Keeper success

Well the first four dream keeper rings didn't have any dreams...just the idea of a dream. Yesterday after experimenting with shape and size I wrote my dream on the shrink plastic, used the heat gun to shrink it, colored the edges in gold and placed it inside the vessel for a perfect fit. It gives the ring nice body. I was unhappy with the previous band however. I wasn't sure it would stand up to the now heavier top, so I re-designed it to be 3 units wide and layered it to give it substantially more strength.

I typically make at least two and preferably three of a design before I commit to directions. I am fine-tuning during that time, hopefully making a sturdier and more aesthetically pleasing design.

I like this design a lot. It's nice when you feel that way, when you're inspired to keep making them. It's an easy bead once the details are worked out. It still takes multiple hours, it is seed beads, and tiny ones at that, after all. But since they stack well together and it's a fun place to experiment with color I expect to make more soon.