Monday, May 30, 2011

Ringlet kits

Just in time for Bead and Button, I've kitted up some Ringlets!

The bright fun colors were inspired by Heather Trimlett's glass. The true value of this kit is the five Heather Trimlett beads you'll receive. Of course the coordinating seed beads and crystals to make your matching ringlets are included as well, and a simple ball chain necklace to show off your completed rings.

Here is the black and white set minus the drama of the new black background photographs.

I leave Thursday morning so I won't be shipping any of these pre-show, but if I have any left you'll be the first to know! I'm now out of the glass rings and not sure if there will be more or not, but I have other new things I'll be showing you like the brand new colorway for Crystal Collage, and a very pretty soft Romantica, and there is a new Victoria in the works.

It's hard deciding if I should go backwards in the history of my designs and refresh a color, but Victoria has always been such a good project. Worn by many a Mother of the Bride and so I think a new color may be welcomed. We'll see.