Here is a typical Tuesday, in my yarn/fabric shop. Ok, it's not mine, but Susan and Judy who bring the fabrics and yarns to the Grove make it seems that way. I'm totally at home here. You may notice the man in the's not an entirely typical day, this was Larry Himmel who interviewed us for a newspot on knitting circles.

I continue knitting on Bitter Root, which is about 12 really long rows from being completed. But they are rows with beads so it's a fun knit.

Mine is a pretty purply blue, but unblocked knitting is not very appealing, so I'll save the final picture until I'm done.
Susan has my next knitting planned for me, after I finish my Churchmouse Cowl and matching handwarmers (cuz I need those in San Diego!)
Look for exciting teaching news for next year, to be announced soon!
Sounds fun! I might have to contract out for some handwarmers...Not because it's so cold in Houston, but because it's so cold here in my office!!
Glad you had a nice day to relax and hang out with your knitting buddies!
Marcia, were you able to see if they had a ball of yarn that matched that piece I gave you, and you taped in your magic book?
The Grove looks like a place I could come to love. I don't knit or crochet much anymore, but I still am crazy about the fibers themselves. I buy them just to look at. Crazy me!
Wish I lived closer to San Diego...seems that there are so many bead artists in the area and wonderful venues for creating!
I know what you mean about needing a day off after traveling. More and more it's that way with me. Though that day usually turns into a week and the next thing I know, I'm scheduled to leave again!
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