Marg from BeadFx and Jeannette Cook, Jeannette looking all colorful with her shibori scarves backlit by that lime green crystallized pillow!
Marlene Blessing Inteweave (isn't she lovely?) and Jean, who looks gorgeous (but I didn't capture the stunning necklace she had on)psst, that's Beki Haley (Whimbeads) they're talking to. I love getting to spend time with these folks.
Here is Laura Timmons looking beautiful in her red/black and silver. She was wearing my earrings which I gifted her when I first met her back in Lake Tahoe in the fall. She gifted me a beautiful wire crocheted necklace with lots of Swarovski.

And Kate, getting her girl on! I think glamour is the right word
and I love the felted, feathered necklace!
And Melinda Barta,Beadwork editor, also wearing an earring I made, and looking totally adorable. With a profile like that, the no profile rule can be broken.
I am a huge fan of your travel-reports ;-)
Thanks for sharing your fun!!!!!
Great party!!!!!!!!
Tatiana Van Iten
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