Friday, August 20, 2010

Bead Studio Deep Clean

It's due, the studio that is, for a really deep clean. The kind that ferrets out unused bits in the backs of cabinets and makes room to put away everything that is currently cluttering up the counter tops.

I think it will be day long, maybe weekend long and the impetus to start is not quite with me, but yet I know I won't return to my creative self until there is room and openess and a huge desire to be in the studio.

I've been taking my beads and going to the family room or the's not really conducive to design considerations, as each new bead decision requires a trip into the studio to retrieve the new bead.

I seem to have too much stuff to put it all away and surely some of it is not required to be taking up space.

My plan is to pick up everything that is on a cabinet top and put it on the big table. Then clean out spaces that have gotten clogged with unused stuff, then put away everything on the big table with the newfound space.

If all goes as planned I will then return to the calenderized to do list, not too far behind and I will design and bead and kit and keep the studio in some semblance of order.

Oh and did I mention Beki of Out on a Whim is coming by tomorrow for a bit of play. That just may add a tiny bit of motivation to having things a tad more in order....


abeadlady said...

You have more ambition than I. Wish I could be there with you and Beki. You are two of my favorite people.

The bad Liz said...

Marcia - email me a picture of the messy studio, please. I would like to compare your messy with my clean!! LOL

Joann Loos said...

A good incentive indeed!

Nancy said...

I keep saying that I'm going to do the same...and clean out the stuff I will probably never use. Intent is to give it to local charity that does art projects with disabled individuals. Now to get the impetus!

Andrew Thornton said...

I need to finally finish unpacking my studio and organizing it. I think I'd be far more efficient if I did. Oh... I need some motivation. The task is daunting!

Marcia DeCoster said...

Liz, too late, I have made too much progress to see the before, so sorry

Marcia DeCoster said...

Andrew....take it in small pieces, I piled everything into one space, cleaned the other spaces and then repopulated from the first doesn't all have to be done at once, but I was brutal in what needs to go....