I'm not being obsessive. I did walk in Central Park when it was 8 degrees, but I was dressed for it. I did not walk in Tucson when it was 15 degrees. I plan to walk most every day. I change it up, sometimes to the Ocean, sometimes the zoo, sometimes a hiking trail and sometimes like today out the front door. I used the opportunity to walk to our local healthy grocery store and pick up a sweet potato and two apples to round out tonights dinner. I really like destination walking, so that worked out.
Pssstttt.....here is my new matching ipad and iphone case,
crystallized by the amazing Kellie DeFries of Crystal Ninja. Kellie is the best in the industry because she is an artist first and then a crystallizer.
I' ve noticed your comments on your walks & have been a little envious of both your weather & your destinations. I've been trying to talk myself on to the treadmill which is located in the basement where it's probably less than 50 degrees today. For some reason 50 degrees outside sounds so good to me, but 50 in the house is miserable. But since I have to live with what I have, guess I'll go down & get it over with. Thanks for the inspiration. If I hadn't read your blog, I'd have shut out the inner voice telling me to move a little.
You Go Marcia!!! Going to figure out tonight how to work "Wi Dance" and move with the tunes! Thanks for sharing your walks/times/miles!
Oh, Marcia! That's just what I needed to hear (read). Especially the way you change it up. My your're so creative in your thinking. I'm off to the library on foot. Thank you.
I have Wii fit and Wii active, but Wii dance, now that sounds fun.
Walking is wonderful. Maybe you want to walk part of the Camino the Santiago if you are in Europe later this year. The last 100K of so. I recommend it.
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