Friday, February 13, 2009

Changing Things Up

First, this weeks flowers. I love sunflowers and it seems to be one of those flowers that are always availble. As much as I like flowers you'd think I'd perhaps like to grow them, and I would like them to grow plentiful in my yard, looking colorful and beautiful, but that would require time, and putting my hands in dirt and weeding and....yeah, well, Trader Joes has a nice selection.

So, there is a new website coming (just as soon as I identify all required pictures for workshops and kits and crop them and size them and take new pictures to replace ones taken before I learned to effectively use my digital camera) and there is this new blog with my lovely urchin necklace (created with the help of the Dallas girls)and (man this might be a run on sentence) so I thought it fitting that I change my kit packaging to match my new look, and of course then my business cards....It's a lot of work.

But I'm pretty happy with the result

Kind of a Tiffany blue, don't you think? Very pretty, gives that little bundle of beads a whole new presence.

1 comment:

The bad Liz said...

Love the new packaging and colour! However - sunflowers.

Put them in the ground, occasionally water, they grow best when ignored - at least in Michigan!