Sunday, February 28, 2010

BitterRoot is Blocking!

Yes, I finished BitterRoot Designer Romi Hill created this beautiful design which captured me because of it's use of beads in the lace. Knitty lists the pattern as piquant which is something akin to intermediate I guess and I suppose it is, but lace is just a combination of knits and purls and yarn overs and knit two togethers, it's no harder then knitting and purling really, it just takes a bit of paying attention. I love to get up in the early morning quiet and knit a few rows. Some people do yoga, I knit lace (hhhmmm....betting yoga would be better for my body)

It's in the process of being wet blocked, a step you just can't ignore with lace. In the matter of a few weeks, it went from this

to this

Blocking lace is transformative, it makes it beautiful and it must be done.
Can you see those beautiful blue iris beads that adorn the outer edges of this shawl (after I typed this, I realized, no, you cannot see that level of detail, so tomorrow you shall have a close up, beads and all), the perfect shawl for San Francisco I might add, which is why I was so highly motivated to finish before Beading by the Bay.
And speaking of Beading by the Bay, there are still a few slots open so if you've been waiting to decide if three days of beading fun fits in your schedule, now is the time to sign up!

Mark's office floor has been pressed into action as a blocking mat and I must wait patiently for it to dry, most probably I don't take it up until tomorrow morning. I can hardly stand the wait, which is funny, because I know you've had this happen, you're beading in public and some non-beader approaches you and says 'You must be so patient...' which I so am not, it amuses me every time.


Mikki said...

It's gorgeous and I can't wait to see the close up with the beads. The first thing I ever knit was a gothic lace and blackberry stitch yes, knitting lace is easier than it looks. As for patience....I've actually used a hair dryer on the low setting to speed up the blocking process, patience doesn't count when lace is involved!

SharDon Exclusives said...

What a lovely piece! I have never learned how to knit or crochet maybe someday once I put the beading down.

abeadlady said...

Gorgeous! You should really enjoy wearing it.

swellknits said...

Okay, how talented can one person be? You are amazing! This is yet another work of art which will look absolutely stunning on you. Congratulations on finishing it and taking the time to wet block it!

kate mckinnon said...

I ALWAYS get that, "You must be so patient!" I (patiently) explain that no, I am the exact opposite of patient, that beading teaches peace, you don't have to bring the peace to the beads.

Mariposa said...

Wonderful shawl, Marcia!

I was wondering about the crystals in the first pic, but I soon realized these are your row counters. Fit for a beading queen :-))

Amy said...

Looking forward to seeing the close up!

Carmen Isaacs said...

I love your shawl, would you mind telling me what yarn you used?

HolliDe said...

Absolutely beautiful! Just like you, my DF!