But first I visited my morning blogs as I do, and Bev posed the question 'What's on your Beading Table?' Relates rather well don't you think.
Unfortunately there is no great work of progress here. And I can see that Bev is a neater beader then I am.....
Remnants of .....hmmmm...not sure, love those few aqua beads though
Fortunately I own a lot of these velvet trays, and when I do run out I do not separate and put away all those little beads. I may pick up an expensive things left behind, but the rest goes in here.
Soon I will need a bigger bowl.....
So are you neat or messy?
I am neat...Your little bead soup bowl is making me twitch a little right now :o) My space may get cluttered and messy while I'm working on a project, but part of finishing the project is putting all of the leftover pieces back in the right place...
Your soupy bowl is pretty...But I would SO want to sort it out if I came to your studio!
Your description of working trays describes exactly how I work too. Plus I have that bowl of leftover soup.....which will get sorted out every now and again usually when my muse is taking a break.
Oh boy, I am a whirling Dervish when it comes to my beading, actually I'm that way all the time...lol. What do you do with that bead soup bowl? I have one I started using a drink glass from my first cruise. I don't know what I'll do with it when its full, but I know its gonna take a lot of beads to fill it. I agree with Katie, I am a sorter of things. I wanted to be an archeologist when I was younger, so I could sort and sift through stuff. Hmmm...how can I be messy and meticulous at the same time? Maybe I'm just schizoid?
I'm messy, a month ago I bought boxes, organizer and little container for beads, and for some day everything was neat, but then I received my beading loom and now everything is messed up, generally I work on three or four projects at once, so there are beads everywhere in my living room and kitchen....My husband is soooo happy of that, I have a dream, a room or at least a corner only for my beading hobby!!!!
Marcia, I took the occasion for make u my compliments for your works, I love them even though RAW is not my first choice technique, if you take a look to my blog you will see my version of the Urchin bead Lariat i bought the kit last month...
Greetings from Italy
Neat and tidy is NOT my middle name. I have multiple trays with different projects on them. Just bought more storage. I needed it deaperately. When I get back from five days at the coast, I will tackle that. Wish I thought it would stay neat, but not happening. lol
I am a little of both.Or I'd like to think so anyway. When I'm working on a project I'm messy..Things are everywhere..But when I finish I TRY to put everything away..That's how I know what I have and where it is. I have to tidy my mind.
But I use the spare room for storage and photo taking, my office for computer work and items waiting to be be listed, and my work space, off to the side in my living room. So in reality...MESSY..
Love to bead, hate to clean up. So I always have trays and boxes of bead debris stacked up everywhere. Need to win the lottery so I can have a full time studio assistant just to clean up after me!
Love to bead, hate to clean up. So I always have trays and boxes of bead debris stacked up everywhere. Need to win the lottery so I can have a full time studio assistant just to clean up after me!
Oh and I'm afraid I'm neat. Don't know why but at work I have a messy desk. Stuff everywhere.
My work bench is an absolute mess. It's beginning to scare me and that's not good. I know that I can organize, I just don't.
Pictures this evening. Be afraid...
I want to come over and sort your beads!! LOL! Even pics of them all together is making me itchy!!
Neat, yes....compulsive? Probably. Happy, definitely!
I'm messy. I strive to be neat, but in the end that never works out! I have loads of organizers, but somehow the beads find their way out of them. :)
I've become very neat now that I have to keep track of beads for business. I have all my beads I use for kitting in marked tupperware containers and all my design beads in tictac boxes in a set of rolling drawers. I try to only work on at most 2 projects at a time, so I don't get two scattered. If I have to put one away to percolate, I get it off my beading table and into a "design" bin where it gets to sit for a while.
I do have a bead soup container. I hope to make a necklace with it at some point. I'd try to make the design with only what was in the bead soup, and to try not to organize it too much. I'd never try to put the beads back....
I'm thinking there's an entrepreneurial opening for me here. The bead sorter lady or something like that. I'm more than twitchy looking at all those stashes of beads. Ya'all could send me boxes of them with your containers and I'll sort them out and send them back. I'd be the happiest of campers - you'd all have sorted beads. :)
I have to admit my work table looks messy but "I" know where everything is. I usually choose all of my beads for a particular piece and that is where they will stay - whether I end up using them or not - until the piece is finished. I am making a concerted effort to keep my space tidier though as lately I have been working on 2 or 3 projects at once.
Your gorgeous selection of beads are making me drool too by the way!!
Brisbane, Australia
I'm a messy...then I can't stand it anymore and clean it all up. Which it will stay for about...oh...maybe 10 minutes. LOL
Bead Happy!
Now that's what I call soup!
I've been much better about keeping my projects organized since I started using the stacking trays available on line. I also use some cool 8X10 portrait boxes purchased at a yard sale from a retiring photographer. My problem is sometimes I have sooooo many components for one project that the cover won't go on the box!
Rosanne, I have a bead soup glass. When it gets full I pass it along to Sally. She likes to sort beads.
I always claim to live in organized chaos! i also have a soup bowl (box) and i just made a necklace and earings set from it. it is balanced by useing the same size beads on each side of a central stone. I love it!
I can totally identify with Marcia. I have numerous projects going at a time and have even placed one bead mat over the last bead mat to try out an idea. I have a couple of bead soup bowls going as well.
One day I intend sitting down and making a freeform something or other from the soup.
Being a double Virgo I would probably end up in a severe depression if I weren't organized. A bead soup of seedbeads is something I definitely couldn't handle:-)
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