Maya helped.
For those of you keeping track, and I know you're out there.....I put away the lace shawl for the time being. It had a 44 row repeat, each row different, and not just yarn over knit two together different - slip two stitches to the cable and hold in back, knit one, knit two from cable and pass third over the next two kind of different. It is not the time for me to be doing that kind of knitting. Not that I can't, but I require a different level of uninterrupted time for that kind of knitting. The yarn is pretty, I may find a different project, or I may find a different space of time. But for now Liesl will be my companion.
I love your 'helper' she has such a sweet, trusting face. And, I agree, you need a nice quiet s t r e t c h of time to do that type of knitting!! I need to get out my crochet and knitting--along with the beading. Love your work! CJ
Your knitting language is a completely foreign tongue! It's almost as if you were writing in Albanian or something.
I love the piece that you have started. It's very, very cool.
That's a very cool tunic....simple and stylish. My yarns are peeking at me from the closet and you make me want to knit.
Oh Marcia I wish you were closer to Montreal, Canada... I knit but I wish I could be better!!! ;o)
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