As I was wearing my eight year old pair of lace anklets that first pair of socks. I think they were from a Cat Bordhi book, but I can't be sure. I've always knitted going through great spurts at various times in my life, but had not picked up needles for awhile when I lived in Holland in 2003. I took the train to work which was usually crowded and not really conducive to pulling out a beading tray. So I began to knit again in earnest and haven't stopped.
Socks to me are pure love, I guess because you really must be able to knit your own socks or know someone who can. You can buy socks at a store of course but you can't buy handmade socks, and lace ones, well they are the best in my book. I also love short socks, so I always make mine ankle length.
I'd make more socks, but I still have to think about them, I'm not completely natural with the whole heel turning thing. I need to devote some sock learning time and at the moment it isn't in the schedule. But when I do retire, well when I do cut back a bit.....I would really like to knit socks. I might just read novels, cook and make socks for a year, and take long walks on the beach and play with grand baby's. It's nice to contemplate but for the next few years at least I have a full schedule, and then who knows?
When I saw the title, I had a flash image of your handsome hubby wearing a gorgeous pair of navy blue lace socks! Hey, you did say "everyone".
ooh that would be good!
I feel exactly the same about socks Marcia. Love making them, love wearing them. I've had to curtail beading for a couple of months due to a thumb problem. Couldn't bead but no problem knitting. Thank goodness....wouldn't it be terrible not to be able to create something with our hands everyday?
Glad you can knit!
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