Sunday, February 1, 2009

Color Sense

Wow February 1st, when did that happen? Company arrives today and I'm very excited. I love company, I love to entertain and pamper and make my guest feel welcome. I've never had a proper guest room until this house and now I have two. Well one is actually the yarn room (don't tell Janet), but it also has a comfy pull out bed and all the amenities of a guest room. A morning trip to Trader Joes for food and fresh flowers and I'll be ready. Two days of visiting and then off we drive to Tucson on Tuesday morning.

Color thoughts....

Because I teach beadwork, most pieces I design need to be beaded in 2 to 3 additional colors. So I think a lot about color. Well, I like to think I think about it, but a stroll through my finished projects reveals that I use a lot of dark metallics. I'm drawn to the luminescence and richness of them.

My favorite all time color may be this blue purple matte metallic (F460J for the curious) and I buy 457 multiple kilos at a time.

And I've been drawn to hematite a lot lately

And I love muted greens

and most anything with iris in the name

and if the crystal is ab2x I'm in love

but then every once in awhile something like this shows up

I'm going to work on a happy medium....

1 comment:

Katie said...

I've been buying a lot of hematite and nifty greys lately, too...I haven't done a whole lot with them yet, but they keep jumping out at me when I see them...