Here are the shots I did this weekend. We also learned some essential photoshop tools to improve the shot, these however come to you unadulterated.
A sweet picture of Chalon
The weekend was stellar. All kinds of creative people visiting my home, lots of laughter, huge fun, and Kyle took an amazing shot of Mark and I in our living room. It is a beautiful photograph, the kind Kyle seems to do so easily, and yet it is so compelling. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have this shot, a memory of one of those magical evenings that show up in your life from time to time.

You can see more of the weekend's fun over at Kate's blog.
All wonderful pictures.
wasn't it great? Sorry to have missed meeting you but I had to take the one-day workshop.
Great photos, Marcia. The Oz one is especially compelling. But I love the one of you and Mark and Maya in motion the best!
Love that pic of Chalon! And all the others. Oz is awesome, Marcia.
Great post Marcia!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend, indeed!
I must comment on how clean your house looks. You somehow manage to make the most intricate pieces, made up of thousands of seed beads and crystals... and still have a beautiful house... that's clean. You are a super woman!
Dig those green shoes, how can you not love a man that can pull off wearing those!
Well we already knew he had good taste, look who he married!
Great post, love the photos.
WOW you photos are GREAT and with no Photoshop touchup - amazing.
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