Monday, December 14, 2009


1985, that is the date of the first blown glass ornaments that Mark brought home from a business trip. That was the start of a tradition. Each year we would go on an outing to select our ornaments, often to Macy's in San Francisco.

We would initial and date each of the choices and each year it is fun to unwrap and remember.

I always chose Santa's which made the selection easier for me

and Mark always chose nautical themes (he's a sailor),

there's fish and lighthouses and mermaids and boats.

Thank goodness the kids provided diversity since we also have

artichokes and angels and pickles and such......

I loved the time spent throughout the years and cherish the yearly opening and memories of those wonderful times.

1 comment:

The bad Liz said...

What a wonderful looking tree!! Choosing Santa ornaments every year is really nice - especially that you date them. Most of my ornaments are German glass (many are in the shape of teddy bears), purchased when I lived in Stuttgart and went to different cities Christmas markets each year.

It's been a couple of years since I had a tree or decorations up (haven't had the holidays at my house), I should make a point to decorate next year.