The plan is to make this, Out of the Box Sweater

Mine will be pink, which I continue to insist is not the color I picked, but I am told I did and Susan has proof in writing apparently. It is 3 stitches to the inch on size 10 1/2 needles, supposedly a weekend knit, we'll see.
Because we also have beading planned. The girls would like to learn 'Under the Mast' now fondly called 'Shipwrecked' because Gail couldn't remember the proper name. I'm interested to teach them as it was accepted for next year's Bead and Button and it's always a good idea to understand where the teaching challenges might lie.
There's also a trip to Mountain Beadworks planned. We stopped by last year and it's an excellent bead store, lot's of pretty shiny crystal, and according to Patty's latest newsletter, lot's of new czech glass. We're going for the weekend, but Julian is an achievable day trip from San Diego, so if you're looking for an excellent outing that involves beads, this just may be it.
You just seem to have all kinds of fun things going on. That sweater looks like a lot of fun. I don't know if I could knit it in a weekend, maybe you can. We finally got a group of girls together to meet at my house this fall. We're all gonna attempt different things, knitting, bead embroidery, needle felting and rug punching to name a few on our to do list. Enjoy your weekend.
Under the Mast is a stunning piece!! Wow!
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