Starting on Thursday noon when I picked NanC up at the airport and continuing through this morning when I sat quietly with my artstick adding beads. I'm not sure when the birthday weekend will end, but not quite yet.
Today I will have lunch with my dear ones and then I will return home for more artstick. (well actually I believe there will be a stop at the Apple store prior to home, something about an ipad....) I have declared this to be a no work day, tomorrow is soon enough to pick up the schedule where I left off a week or so ago.
My stick clearly wanted to be a fish, well at first there was a Queenly maiden with a huge headdress, but the fish prevailed, and so a fish eye has been beaded.
I found that much of what I heard this weekend served to re-enforce my belief systems about making art, but there was also new information to consider. I'm sure as I continue to work with my stick the many ideas which started to percolate this weekend will be explored.
Your beaded eye is BEAUTIFUL. Can't wait to see the rest of your perfect ten art stick!
It sounds like you had a birthday weekend, Marcia... what a special treat to celebrate it with an artstick workshop. Happy belated birthday!!!
I love the fish eye! Very cool
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