There's a new magazine out from Beadwork, 41 Favorite Jewelry Designs. While none of the designs are new they are all past favorites collected in one edition. I've often bought these 'Best of' collections rather then perusing my older issues for my favorite designs, so it that suits you it's now available. In this issue there are many additional features which make it worthwhile including product reviews, Tips from jewelry designers and a pull out stitch guide. I personally sat down and read everyone of the 50 tips and came away with some new knowledge.

I'm privileged to say that a few of my past designs are featured so if you missed Disco Squares, Earth and Sky, Little Black Dress Earrings, Ellipse Necklace or Terracita you'll find them here. Along with designs from Laura McCabe, Tina Koyama, Shelley Nybakke, Maggie Meister and many more.
Marlene Blessing, Editorial Director for Beadwork reviewed
'Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence'. I hold Marlene in high regard so I was thrilled with her kind words, calling the book a RAW Tour de Force.
1 comment:
Wow! I just got home with my copy of this book and didn't put it down until I had looked at it cover-to-cover. I love it! I am already choosing beads for my next project inspired by the designs in Beadwork's, 41 Favorite Jewelry Designs. I would like to add that I never miss a copy of Beadwork magazine. I would also like to say thanks Marcia for giving me the desire to learn RAW. I just had to learn this stitch due of all of your beautiful designs in the beading magazines. Thanks again for all of the inspiration and have a great day.
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